Q1: Where are the docs for this library?
Start with the Readme.txt in the root of the project. It will guide you to the docs. Also, each of the samples includes a readme containing information specific to that sample.
Q2: But these docs don't tell me how to use Windows Media Format. Where do I find the REAL docs?
This library is just a mapping to allow for the Windows Media Format interfaces to be called from c#. If you want to know how to use Windows Media Format Interfaces, you should check out the MS Windows Media Format docs. Among other places, you can find a copy of them online at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd757738(v=vs.85).aspx.
The library has a (very) few helper classes beyond what WMF provides. Those are documented in the Readme.rtf.
Q3: I want to know how to do <...> with Windows Media Format. How can I figure this out?
Your first source of information should be the WM docs. MS has a large amount of documentation, both general theory as well as reference. Start with that.
Secondly, you should try some of the WM forums. There is one here:
And probably several more elsewhere.
Lastly, if you question is specific to using WMF with c#, try the forum at https://sourceforge.net/p/windowsmedianet/discussion/829805/.
Q4: Why is the SourceForge forum listed last? Isn't that where this library is?
There are more people hanging out at the MSDN forums that answer questions than there are at the SF forum. Also, the people at the MSDN forum have been writing commercial apps with this technology for many years. While they may not know much about c#, they are wizards with WM. If you have a general "How Do I..." question, they are a great resource. Once you know how to do it, if you can't figure out how to do it in c#, THEN go to the SF forum.
Q5: How do I check return codes? All the interface methods return void.
By defining the interfaces as returning void (and NOT using PreserveSig(true)),
we are telling .Net to throw exceptions when there is an error. See the readme.rtf
for more about errors.
Q6: I'm too lazy to learn how to write all this myself. Would you please write me a commercial-ready app for free and give me the source so I can sell it and make a lot of money?
Ummm, no.
The developers on this project write code for a living. We have aleady donated many man-hours of labor to bring you this library, so don't be greedy. On the other hand, if you want to HIRE one of us to write your code for you, that is different.
Q7: I can see the interface (or struct) in the source, but when I try to use it, .NET says it isn't there.
You are probably using an interface we haven't tested yet. See "Using untested interfaces" and "The plan for additional interfaces" in Readme.rtf
Q8: Licensing questions.
The licensing terms are described in the LGPL. If you want legal advice concerning the LGPL, you would probably do better speaking with a lawyer than a programmer. Also, it is not appropriate for us to make statements regarding the licensing beyond what is in the LGPL, since it could be argued that those statements are implicit additions to the licensing.